Published Works

Read some of my work that has been published on other websites below.

You’ve probably heard of GPsDownUnder – what is it?

Advocacy, social media, and managing the voice of criticism

Are you a member of Australia’s underground GP college?

GPs Down Under: who are we and what do we do?

Doctor’s health: having a fool for a patient

It’s the end of the year. Are you okay?

Women in general practice: muted groups in medicine

Dr Karen Price: My profile

GPDU offering flood support for north Qld GPs

GPs reject claims they ‘deceitfully’ prescribe placebos

Role of professional networks on social media in addressing clinical questions at general practice: a cross-sectional study of general practitioners in Australia and New Zealand


PhD pending The role of peer connection in Australian general practice
2019Albarqouni L, Hoffmann T, McLean K, Price K, Glasziou P. Role of professional networks on social media in addressing clinical questions at general practice: a cross-sectional study of general practitioners in Australia and New Zealand. BMC Family Practice. 2019;20(1):43.
20182018 Australian Journal Of General Practice How doctors conceptualise p- values – a mixed methods study. Tam, Abeer, Knight, Rhee, Price, McLean
2015Price K, Clearihan L. Exploring female GPs’ perceptions about medical leadership. Australian Family Physician. 2015;44(6):399-404.

Conference Papers and Lectures

2019Wonca Kyoto GP and the conceptualisation of P values Tam, Abeer, Knight, Rhee, Price, Mclean. Kyoto Japan
2018GPTEC 18 and RACGP October 18 Research Paper How we misconceptualise p-values and what we can do about it. Tam, Abeer, Knight, Rhee, Price, Mclean. Gold Coast Queensland
2018RACGP October 2018. Research Paper. FMCER 2016 Grant Outcomes. Peer Connection in General Practice K.Price.
2018GPDU conference May 2018. Opening Plenary with co-admins. Price, McLean, Higgins, Ware, Phang, and Leeuwenburg. Gold Coast, Queensland.
2018GPDU conference Closing Plenary. June 2018 Is the Medical Journal Dead? Communication in the digital age. Price, Glazsiou, Calabresi, MJA Editorial staff, Knibbs.
2018Eastern Victorian General Practice Training. (EVGPT). May 2018 Education and online communities Lecture and workshop presentation May 12, 2018
2017August 2017 Research Pitch Paper. GP research for GPs @ GPDU. Tam CWM, Khan A, Knight A, Rhee, J, Price K, Leeuwenburg T, McLean K, Higgins N. GPTEC. (General Practice Training and Education Conference), ICC Sydney, 16- 17 August 2017.
2016October 2016 Short Paper. Do GPs experience informal peer support in online education communities? By Price, K. RACGP National Conference Perth
2016October 2016 Short Paper GPs Down Under. Moran-Jayaram, Price, Higgins, Leeuwenburg, Wilson, Joshi, Brown, and Villis.
2016November 2016 Paper. Fatigue is commonly reported by Australian GPs. Jarvis R, Gill G, Clearihan L, Price K. Wonca World Conference of Family Doctors. Rio de Janerio. Brazil
2015July 2015 Lecture. Monash University, Melbourne. Social Media for Higher Degree Research Students by Price, K. Academic Seminar. Department of General Practice.
2015July 2015 Plenary Lecture. Tropical Medicine Training Conference Cairns. The Brave New World. Informal learning and Social Media for Medical Educators. K. Price
2014July 2014 Short paper. PHCRIS, Canberra. “Work Daze Fatigue in GPs” Jarvis, Price, Gill, and Clearihan.
2014October 2014. Short paper. RACGP National Conference, Adelaide. An exploration of female GPs perceptions of barriers to leadership. Price, K. Clearihan, L
2014October 2014. Short paper. RACGP National Conference, Adelaide. Can Dr Anonymous support GPs online? Senior, T. Price, K.
2013September 2013. Short Paper. GPET conference, Perth. Why are female GPs tired? Jarvis, Price Gill Clearihan

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